Normal Service has resumed….

Hello Webosphere, “The man on a bike” is back for more cycling adventures in preparation for RIDELONDON 2016. This year I am riding for the charity Revitalise (More about that in a later post). Having not been on the bike much over the winter, I am feeling rather fat, old and unfit. I am guessing all that is going to have to change again. Getting ready for Ridelondon never seems to get any easier so this year is going to be a challenge.

So far the cycling activities this year have included.

1: Giving the bike a clean / service / oil and general overall.
2: A couple of commutes to work – just to check the bike is all good and everything is working.
3: A few hours on the turbo, just to see if the legs still work.


1: The bike is very clean.
2: The distance to work seems to be 3x what I remember.
3: My Legs seem to have forgotten everything about cycling.

Posted in Cycling, Ridelondon.

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